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Blog Contributions

  • A family of 3 sits on a brown leather coach together, smiling at the camera. They are an adoptive family, with 2 Caucasian parents and their Japanese American son.

    Spoiler Alert: How To Protect Your Child's Story

    When you become a foster or adoptive family, you are often bombarded with personal questions about your child’s background. How can we answer respectfully, without oversharing and giving “spoilers” of our child’s story? Their story is theirs, and they should be the first to know. Learn from my mistakes, and have some practical responses in your pocket to shut down spoilers.

  • A young, Caucasian mom sits on the floor tending to her Japanese American son's hurt foot.

    Restoring Mother's Day

    Mother’s Day and I had a complicated relationship for a few years. Building my family through adoption made me realize the complexities that this day can hold for so many. From deflecting, to trying to escape it altogether, I have since learned to make peace with it. It doesn’t have to be either/or, we can hold both the beauty and the ashes together. Learn a brief history of mother’s day, explore your own, and get back to the heart of this day.

  • A millennial woman sits on a green velvet couch with her laptop open, working.

    5 Tips for Creating Boundaries with Social Media

    2020 made me reevaluate not only the amount of time I spent on social media, but also the type and amount of daily content I was consuming. In a world where social media isn’t going away, we also can’t deny the effects it has on our own mental health and relationships. Explore some questions to ask yourself, and 5 tips for creating some boundaries within social media.

Podcast Guest Episodes

  • A mom sits next to her son, with her hand gently on his back. The picture is zoomed in to the gentle touch, and the little boy is wearing pajamas.

    Navigating a Closed Adoption: Adopt Well Podcast

    There is no easy path in adoption or foster care. While research shows that open adoptions are best for members of the adoption triad, it isn’t always possible. However, you can still be open and honest, walking with your child through their closed adoption journey. In this conversation with hosts, Macie & Amy, I share some practical ways to do this, along with the complexities that come with a closed adoption.

  • A millennial, Caucasian woman with short brown hair and an excited expression, sits in yellow chair holding the book she wrote: Before You Adopt.

    Before You Adopt: Adoption Hacks Podcast

    On this episode of Adoption Hacks, I chat with host, Kandice, about my workbook Before You Adopt: A Guide To The Questions You Should Be Asking. I share my heart behind creating this resource, why it was written, how it is to be used, and the impact I hope this has for anyone considering or preparing to grow their family through adoption or foster care.

  • A mom and her son sit at their kitchen counter, sharing a smoothie. They are each sipping through their own straw, but out of the same cup, facing each other.

    Understanding Food Trauma & Food Insecurity: The Forgotten Podcast

    We all have a relationship with food, but for some, it is more complicated. We all need food to survive, but in situations of abuse, neglect, or poverty, it has been used as a weapon, withheld, or was simply insufficient. Navigating food trauma and food insecurity with our kids in foster care or post-adoption can be a puzzle, but it is possible to heal. In this episode, I share my experience walking this road with our son, signs to look for, and practical ways to pave the path for healing.

  • A woman in a yellow, button down shirt and ripped jeans, is sitting and holding a book, Moving Mountains. You cannot see the woman's face, and the focus is on the book.

    Mountain Moving Love: Faith Mamas Podcast

    In this episode, I sit down with Faith Mamas hosts and talk about some of the experiences in my memoir, Moving Mountains. From marriage, financial trouble, adoption, and finding community among other moms, there were many times it felt like a giant mountain was in my way. This is the story of my faith, and the God who moves mountains.

  • A young, Japanese American boy with a big grin on his face, is laying stomach first on an indoor swing and has twisted it around, while his mom in the background reaches nervously.

    Sensory Processing Disorder Part 1: Adoption Hacks Podcast

    What is Sensory Processing Disorder? How do I know whether or not my child is struggling with this? In this epsiode, I chronicle our journey uncovering and understanding what Sensory Processing Disorder is, the signs we saw in our son, and the point we knew we needed to reach out for help. This is a 2 part episode, so be sure to listen to the next one!

  • A Japanese American little boy is hanging upside down on a set of rings, while his mom reads aloud to him in the background.

    Sensory Processing Disorder Part 2: Adoption Hacks Podcast

    In this second part episode, I talk more about our journey from where we started, to where we are now. I encourage other foster and adoptive parents who may be wondering, “Is this behavior, or is it something else?” Understanding triggers, practical things at home, and knowing this is not the end!

Let’s Connect.